Meet The Trainers

Meet Lindsay!

Lindsay is the founder and owner of Clover Hill Personal Training.  She is a Certified Personal Trainer with over a decade of experience.  Lindsay loves everything fitness and has a passion for empowering women to live their healthiest life.  As a Certified Nutrition Consultant, Lindsay leads by example and teaches her clients how to not just eat healthy, but to find a healthy balance that can last a lifetime.


Meet Kavin!

Kavin (AKA: “The Man Trainer”) is the only male face you will see around CHPT!  (We let him in because he’s cool.) Kavin has an amazing personal weight loss story, and his life-changing and life-saving experience has created a passion in him to help others. Kavin is full of energy and is famously known for ending each session with J-Los!  


Meet Tracy!

Tracy has had a long love for yoga.  In April of 2023, she completed her 200- hour Yoga Teacher training.  This certification allowed her to bring her love of yoga to a place she loves- CHPT! Although Tracy is new to teaching yoga, her background in Social Work brings warmth and compassion to the mat.  This allows her to meet people where they are in their practice.

Meet Heather!

Heather was introduced to yoga in 1996 while attending college at VCU by a meditation instructor as a way to help her focus. She has been practicing meditation and yoga ever since. She completed her 200- hour yoga teacher training in 2014.  The focus of her training was in Ashtanga, Power, and Iyengar Yoga.  She continued her training in Yoga Therapy and completed 500 hours to become a Certified Yoga Therapist in 2017.  Heather has expressed how yoga has helped her stay strong and flexible in both body and mind and enjoys sharing what she has learned through teaching.  

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